Here you have another wondrous collection of old songs and poems, and some new songs, most having to do with sailors and the sea. You'll roll down to Rio, hear the perils of rounding Cape Horn, load lumber in the Pacific NW, chorus with pirates, experience the Twilight Zone of the nautical junk shop, be amazed by the tales of Dr. Dogbody's leg and the escape of the old She-Crab, be saddened by the demise of old Bendigo, and much much more! Many of these songs are based on poems by Cicely Fox Smith that I have adapted for singing. Others are my original creation or borrowed from friends. Songs are either acapella or accompanied with 5-string banjo or Anglo concertina, and guitar.
There are a number of people I would like to thank for inspiring me to make this kind of music. The first would be my parents, Adolph and Dahlov Ipcar, whose folk song parties kept me up to the wee hours of the morning. There was also my mentor and family friend Bill Bonyun who hosted great song parties.
I'd like to thank the many friends and musicians associated with Elderly Instruments in Lansing, Michigan, who taught me to chase fiddle tunes with my banjo.
I'd like to thank my good friends in Roll & Go with whom I've been playing sea music for more than 10 years.
Finally, I'd like to thank my wife, Judy Barrows, who encouraged me to get serious and start recording before I began to mold, and who accompanies some of the songs on this CD with her guitar.
If you have any questions, please get in touch.
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