Still Available!

Cover of Old Sailor-Poets CD

Back cover of Old Sailor-Poets CD

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Most of these songs are ones I've adapted for singing from sailor-poets from around the turn of the 19th century. Others are either original or adapted from old poems by other singers. There are songs of ships outward bound, ocean perils, the sea cooks, a tattooed lady, bumboatmen, wreckers, pirates, female sailors, shipmates, nautical nostalgia, sea dreams, and the long sea road home. Most of these songs have a good chorus or refrain and would certainly benefit from other singers accompanying them. My wife Judy Barrows has kindly provided some back-up harmonies, and I've provided some cloned harmony. The songs are accompanied with 5-string banjo or Anglo concertina, and/or Judy's guitar. I would hope that many of these songs would be of interest to other nautical singers.

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Notes about the Songs

Lyrics and Samples
of the songs on the CD

cover of CD with link to lyrics


To old sailor-poets Bill Adams, Burt Franklin Jenness,
Harry Kemp, and John Masefield

If you have any questions, please get in touch.

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